Contact Rachel

Balancing, Harmonising the Being

Contact Details

  • Rachel Bavin, Newark Road, Lincoln, UK
  • Mobile: 07505 692788
  • Telephone: 01522 887966
  • Email:

Nearest train station:

Lincoln Central, St Mary’s Street, Lincoln (3 miles)

What my clients are saying…

“I was amazed at how accurate and comprehensive the system scan was.  I definitely felt clearer and more balanced after the therapy.
Julia Williamson, Healingmoon Reiki


“The process is certainly a very powerful intervention. I would certainly recommend it.”
N Stark (Shamanic practitioner)

“When I had my first treatment with Rachel I was unsure how it could help me at 68. Due to a neck injury I was unable to wear an e-pendant to wear around my neck so I had a e-pebble to carry in my pocket. After about 3 days I felt energised and lighter in myself. This has continued for the last 3 months.” 

Eliza. May 2015